bbcode to html tester

Test Area

3 replies in this topic | 1,774 reads
This is a test thread to see what bbcode gets correctly swapped over to html.
This is bold
this is itlaic
this is underline
this is strickthrough
this is super
this is sub
this is an image
this is a link (skipping youtube)
This is a list
  • bullet 1
  • bullet 2
  • bullet 3
This is a number listed[list=1]
  • Item 1
  • item 2
  • Item 3
  • Font size I know does not work
    Font colors, red, blue, green, purple, orange, brown.
    someone wrote: This is a quote with an author
    Why would someone need to code.

    This is a famous quote from someone.

    This is going to be closed since I'm not using an HTML editor.


    This is going to be an update test.


    It doesn't look like I'll be using this.

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