Terms and Conditions

Site use

Viewers, users, and posteds; we collect information about you to improve on our site functionality. We track various inputs and certain actions that you do. Don't worry, its not to the creepy stage where we know where you live. The information is never distributed, nor is it made public, nor do I have plans of doing that. Plane text passwords are not even stored on this site! By using this site, you agree to me being able to use the data anyway I want. If you want more detail about this, please send me a message.

For pictures uploaded

  • No non-Oldsmobile related pictures
  • No pornography or spam (duh!) This will get your account banned
  • You are OK with me editting or removing any pictures
  • You are only uploading original content! Since users must have accounts to upload images, you will be responsible for any copyright issues
  • By uploading images, you promise that the image is originally yours
  • By uploading any image, you agree to pass ownership of it to me. You give me the right to do whatever I want with the images (publish, edit, sell, etc) and take all the credit. Not that we have plans for this, we really just want to cover our butts. I

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