
Oldsmobile Cutlass

May 27, 2015 @ 10:34 am web source 5,989 views 13 pictures Augusta, GA
 1969 Cutlass Oldsmobile 1969 Cutlass Oldsmobile 1969 Cutlass Oldsmobile 1969 Cutlass Oldsmobile 1969 Cutlass Oldsmobile 1969 Cutlass Oldsmobile 1969 Cutlass Oldsmobile 1969 Cutlass Oldsmobile 1969 Cutlass Oldsmobile 1969 Cutlass Oldsmobile 1969 Cutlass Oldsmobile 1969 Cutlass Oldsmobile 1969 Cutlass Oldsmobile
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I have a tear to find cutlass Oldsmobile for sale. Put a lot of time and money in was my project car which was about 70% done before I start working to much bought a 2014 car so I lost interest in it after I had another another water pump put in drove it home from the shop and the passenger tire blew and had to have it towed.the tire has to be ordered so It has been sitting since then which was almost a year ago . I've put a lot of money into this car and the price alone is a steal the body of it is worth that itself.new crome bumpers I waited a year in a half to get which was 1100. but I am moving in a couple days so I will not take it with me. You will have to have it towed my price is low so don't not call about it. For more details or info call or text

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16% under 5k

27% between 10k and 15k

23% between 15k and 20k

15% between 20k and 25k

17% over 20k

* These values are based off the 206 1969 Cutlasss that have been posted on this site.

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